Food Drive with Food For Neighbors

We have a great opportunity over the months of October and November to love and serve our neighbors through Food For Neighbors, an organization that works with neighbors and local business partners to provide food for local households that are struggling with food insecurity. Here are the three easy ways we can get involved with Food for Neighbors. First, donate a bag of food, second, volunteer to drive around and pick up the red bags, and third, sign up to be a sorting volunteer.

Donate a Bag of Food

This is as easy as signing up for a bag, going shopping, and putting it on your porch on the correct date. 

  1. Go here to request a bag.

  2. Fill a bag with these items.

  3. Place it outside your front door on Saturday Nov 11.

We will have a bag available at the church in case you are unable to have one at your home.

Be a Driver Volunteer

Sign up here to volunteer to drive around and pick up the red bags for collecting and sorting. This is a great opportunity to bring someone from church and drive around different neighborhoods, collecting food, and praying for neighborhoods as you drive through them.

Be a Sorting Volunteer

There will be a date in November (which is still TBD) where Food for Neighbors will invite people to come and sort the food that has been picked up by the drivers. Spots are limited, but you can sign up here to be put on the list to find out when the sorting date will take place.

Thank you for caring for local students with the love of Christ and praying for your neighbors.


Moving on Up....


Warden's Report: June 2023