From the Clergy, Reflections, Lent, Music, Service Morgan Reed From the Clergy, Reflections, Lent, Music, Service Morgan Reed

2022 Annual Report

It is still miraculous to me when I think that we began online in March 2020. In our first 3 months we could only meet virtually and then finally in the summer of 2020 we were able to meet for the first time in person for a monthly Eucharist outside. We have now been meeting for weekly Eucharist for about 18 months. In this report I'll share some of the ways that our church has grown.

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Service Morgan Reed Service Morgan Reed

Food Drive

This Fall we will partner with Food Justice DMV to serve immigrants and refugees who are experiencing food insecurity. Immigrants and asylum seekers have risked so much to get here and the pandemic has shined a light on the inequality about who gets to eat. Food Justice DMV serves thousands of households in Virginia on a hyper local level and we have the opportunity to donate items that will go directly into the hands of households near us that need them most.

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