Filtering by: “Prayer”

Training for Healing Prayer

Training for Healing Prayer

If you have ever wondered how you can better pray for others in the church, this training is for you. You are invited to learn about After Service Prayer ministry. After the service we will have lunch available for any who would like to stay for this training.

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Training for Healing Prayer

Training for Healing Prayer

If you have ever wondered how you can better pray for others in the church, this training is for you. We are beginning our healing prayer ministry at the church which has two parts: After Service Prayer and Lay Eucharistic Distribution. You are invited to learn about After Service Prayer and Lay Eucharistic Distribution to discern if God might call you into these important ministries.

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Lenten Morning Prayer

Lenten Morning Prayer

Join us on Mondays during Lent to pray Morning Prayer from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This is a short service of praying the Scriptures that frames our day and it is a helpful rhythm to strengthen in Lent that can be continued throughout the week!

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Lenten Morning Prayer

Lenten Morning Prayer

Join us on Mondays during Lent to pray Morning Prayer from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This is a short service of praying the Scriptures that frames our day and it is a helpful rhythm to strengthen in Lent that can be continued throughout the week!

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Lenten Morning Prayer

Lenten Morning Prayer

Join us on Mondays during Lent to pray Morning Prayer from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This is a short service of praying the Scriptures that frames our day and it is a helpful rhythm to strengthen in Lent that can be continued throughout the week!

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Lenten Morning Prayer

Lenten Morning Prayer

Join us on Mondays during Lent to pray Morning Prayer from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This is a short service of praying the Scriptures that frames our day and it is a helpful rhythm to strengthen in Lent that can be continued throughout the week!

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Lenten Morning Prayer

Lenten Morning Prayer

Join us on Mondays during Lent to pray Morning Prayer from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This is a short service of praying the Scriptures that frames our day and it is a helpful rhythm to strengthen in Lent that can be continued throughout the week!

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Lenten Morning Prayer

Lenten Morning Prayer

Join us on Mondays during Lent to pray Morning Prayer from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This is a short service of praying the Scriptures that frames our day and it is a helpful rhythm to strengthen in Lent that can be continued throughout the week!

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Breakfast with the Bishop

Breakfast with the Bishop

Come Saturday morning, Feb 25 for morning prayer and breakfast with our new Bishop, Chris Warner, and his wife, Catherine. This is a time to pray together and to be encouraged by their faith stories ahead of our confirmation service the next day.

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Join us for prayer on Zoom Wednesday nights in January. Compline is a helpful, short prayer service to end the day as we reflect on the presence of God in what was joyful, challenging, or just mundane. Here is a copy of the liturgy we will use from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

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Join us for prayer on Zoom Wednesday nights in January. Compline is a helpful, short prayer service to end the day as we reflect on the presence of God in what was joyful, challenging, or just mundane. Here is a copy of the liturgy we will use from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

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Join us for prayer on Zoom Wednesday nights in January. Compline is a helpful, short prayer service to end the day as we reflect on the presence of God in what was joyful, challenging, or just mundane. Here is a copy of the liturgy we will use from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

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Join us for prayer on Zoom Wednesday nights in January. Compline is a helpful, short prayer service to end the day as we reflect on the presence of God in what was joyful, challenging, or just mundane. Here is a copy of the liturgy we will use from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

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