Reflections Morgan Reed Reflections Morgan Reed

Summer Internship Reflection

Arriving in Virginia, I was met with the warmest welcome from the whole congregation at Corpus Christi. I remember specifically my nervousness melting away after the first Sunday. I was able to stay at the houses of parishioners and was invited into their daily lives; they accepted me as their own and had a genuine desire and interest in getting to know me. It was the best possible welcome I could have received.

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Reflections, From the Clergy Morgan Reed Reflections, From the Clergy Morgan Reed

Jesus Weeps Over Death: Processing this Week's Tragedy

I wanted to take a moment this week to pause and do three things: 1) follow up on a portion of my sermon from last Sunday (you can listen to it here), 2) process the recent mass shooting in Nashville, TN, this week in light of what I preached on Sunday, and 3) give the text of Jacob of Sarug that I have found so helpful and quoted in my sermon.

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From the Clergy, Q&A Morgan Reed From the Clergy, Q&A Morgan Reed

We will have a Vestry...What is that?!

The Vestry is composed of lay members (except for the Rector/Vicar) who oversee the temporal affairs of the church. It is not an elder board, it is not just a financial or building committee, it is a governing board that cares deeply about ensuring that the temporal realities of the church’s life align with the spiritual direction of the church as set by the Rector (or in our case the Vicar).

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