Tom and Esther Bream

Tom and Esther met when studying at Maranatha Baptist University in Watertown, Wisconsin. They first discovered each other’s love for music while rehearsing the school’s production of the HMS Pinafore, and soon were playing violin and piano duets and traveling to Milwaukee to see symphony performances. From their youth, both Tom and Esther have involved themselves with music through individual music lessons, participation in choirs and orchestras, and playing or singing in stage productions. Both Tom and Esther studied music in college but graduated with undergraduate and graduate degrees in fields other than music.  After college, Tom was commissioned in the Air Force, and moved to Texas, where Esther joined him after they married the following year. Since then they have enjoyed serving the churches they have attended around the world in various ways, but especially through music. Both grew up serving the church in this capacity, and delight to hear God’s people raise their voice in song. In 2023, the USAF brought Tom and Esther to the Washington DC area, where they began attending Corpus Christi Anglican and further grew in their love for the Church’s music and ancient forms of worship. They pray God blesses their service at Corpus Christi Anglican Church. Tom and Esther enjoy skiing, traveling, and visiting museums with their three boys.  


Ivory Mae Casten