We Believe: On the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed

We Believe: On the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

Being a part of this church plant joins us to that evangelistic and Catholic Tradition of what our prayerbook, in its preface, says is, “culturally attuned and missionally adaptive, but ever committed to and always propagating the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” This episode is the eighth and final in our Formation Group which meets Tuesday nights at 7:30 in person, or 8pm on Zoom, from 9/22/20-11/10/20. To sign up and participate, visit the group page.

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We Believe: On Prayer
Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed

We Believe: On Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer is a liturgy that forms us into more loving union with our God. This episode is the seventh in our Formation Group which meets Tuesday nights at 7:30 in person, or 8pm on Zoom, from 9/22/20-11/10/20. To sign up and participate, visit the group page.

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Giving to God while Holding Caesar's Currency
Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed

Giving to God while Holding Caesar's Currency

Jesus has come from Galilee to Jerusalem and the rulers see an opportunity to either avoid paying taxes or to discredit another false Messiah. Their question to him reveals how much of themselves they had actually given to God’s kingdom rather than to Rome. What we will discover in this passage is that God is more concerned with the state of our hearts than the question on our lips.

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Life on the Frontier of Empire: 1 Peter 5
Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed

Life on the Frontier of Empire: 1 Peter 5

God's shepherds are to lead the church in what it means to entrust themselves to their Creator by doing good. This episode is the fifth in our Formation Group which meets Tuesday nights at 7:30 in person, or 8pm on Zoom, from 9/22/20-11/10/20. To sign up and participate, visit the group page. There were some sound issues in this first episode, but they’ll be improved in the future. Thank you for listening!

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Life on the Frontier of Empire: 1 Peter 4
Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed Fr. Morgan Reed Morgan Reed

Life on the Frontier of Empire: 1 Peter 4

We are called in Christ to live into God’s new reality, maintaining love for one another, entrusting ourselves to God by doing good. This episode is the fourth in our Formation Group which meets Tuesday nights at 7:30 in person, or 8pm on Zoom, from 9/22/20-11/10/20. To sign up and participate, visit the group page. There were some sound issues in this first episode, but they’ll be improved in the future. Thank you for listening!

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