You are Invited to Synod 2024: Living Mission
The annual Synod for the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic is the legislative body of the diocese, meaning it adopts canons (our governing rules), approves the budget, elects diocesan committee members, and takes any other action necessary for the life and work of our diocese.
But Synod is more than just “business.” It’s a joy-filled opportunity to gather as a diocese for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Come and be re-energized and refreshed by the worship, Bible teaching, testimonies, and breakout sessions on topics central to our churches’ ministries and mission Everyone is invited to Synod.
DOMA’s Annual Synod Seminar on Friday, Nov., 15
The Power of One: Activating The Congregation To Live Out Jesus’ Mission
We’re all in on living out the mission of showing Jesus to those near and far. But, when we take a step back and really look at how we’re doing in this area as a church, it’s easy to see how the daily grind of ministry and life can nudge aside our best intentions to reach out to friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members who aren’t in relationship with Jesus. Mission can quickly turn into something we just talk about rather than something we’re actively doing.
Please come Friday, November 15 from 2-5 p.m., as Daryl Cripe helps us explore practical ways each of us can activate mission in our own lives and help move our congregations in faithful engagement with the communities they're in.