From the Clergy, Formation Groups Morgan Reed From the Clergy, Formation Groups Morgan Reed


This Fall we will meet together on Tuesday nights to study 1 Peter together and finish with three weeks covering the creeds of the church, how to use the Book of Common Prayer, and an introduction to the sacraments and the life and mission of the church. The book of 1 Peter was written to people sojourning through a land to which they did not belong and it answers many of the questions that you and I have about how to live as Christians who do not belong to this world. In our time together we will navigate the complicated space between withdrawing from the world and assimilation to it.

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From the Clergy Morgan Reed From the Clergy Morgan Reed


While many churches around the country are asking the question, “How do we re-gather?” at TFS Mission we are asking the question, “How do we gather?” If we were not in lock down, we could gather as a large group, people could exchange contact information, and there would be natural ways to get together and connect. The external limitations brought about by COVID-19 keep us from having organic in-person meetings — many of those involved have only met one another on Zoom thus far.

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