Song Highlight: The Sanctus


Music is one key way that our hearts respond to God in prayer. The Anglican tradition has a rich history of music, though for most of us in this new church plant, we did not grow up going to Anglican churches. Some may still be wondering what this Anglican thing is all about!

The liturgy in the Anglican tradition has several fixed times where we sing, and as we continue to grow in worship together, we will slowly build new songs into the service over time. Part of our rich musical tradition can be found in this hymnal which was recently published.

The first new song that we will learn is commonly referred to as the Sanctus. This song occurs after the priest prays, “Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with Angels and Archangels and with all the company of heaven, who for ever sing this hymn to proclaim the glory of your Name…”

Someone will then ring a bell, a joyful noise which helps us give praise for the miracle happening at the altar. After the bell is rung, the people sing the Sanctus. This song reminds us both of what our savior has done for us on the cross (the shouts of Hosanna prior to Jesus’ crucifixion) and of his subsequent victory over death and sin (through the citation of Revelation 4:8).

Over the next week, take time to sing the Sanctus in preparation for singing it this Sunday. Let it sink down deep so that the Holy Spirit might encourage you with it in the week to come!


November Hymn: Awake My Soul and Render


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at TFS Mission