Helping our neighbors

Shopping for basic necessities is anything but a basic task anymore. It is hard to believe that there was a day that we could go to the store for hand soap, toilet paper, or other basic cleaning products. It hit too close to home when a few weeks ago I went to the store and discovered that this particular store had no more diapers in my son’s size! I scoured the web and was able to order some online, but had to go searching at other stores until I found some to get us through the time that my online order was delivered.

During this pandemic many of us can be grateful for two things: 1) access to what we need, and 2) the means to obtain it. At the same time, we are mindful that not all people around us are able to do so. If you have been praying morning prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, you will be familiar with the following prayer called a “suffrage” or intercessory prayer:

Celebrant: Let not the needy, O Lord, be forgotten;
People: Nor the hope of the poor be taken away.

We should remember that there are those around us who lack access to basic necessities and the means to obtain them. Organizations like The Koinonia Foundation, Inc., in Franconia, stand in the gap for those who lack access and means, helping their clients with food, clothing, and emergency assistance. The panic buying that has resulted from the virus has caused extra strain on food banks like Koinonia (see, for example, this article in ProPublica from 04/14/2020) who are navigating the best ways to help their clients with this new increase in demand.

How we can help

This month, each time you go shopping, grab a few extra items to give away. Every Friday morning during the month of May I (Morgan+) will deliver a load of collected goods to Koinonia in Franconia (5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29). I will place a plastic tub labeled “The Franconia-Springfield Mission” outside our door on our porch (please contact me for the address) from 9am-5pm Monday through Thursday. Please place non-perishable food items and/or gift cards in this bin. Please note that if you give a gift card I need to record it, so when you contact me for the address I’ll provide a phone number as well so that we can coordinate the gift card drop-off. If several of you are present at the same time, please maintain social distancing. If you are interested in coming with me to drop of the items on a Friday morning please let me know and we can coordinate a time to be there together.

What to bring

The Koinonia Food Pantry lists the following items that they are requesting:

  • Dried beans

  • Peanut butter, jelly

  • Canned fruit, tuna

  • Pancake mix & syrup

  • White rice, sugar, flour

  • Spaghetti, pasta sauce, cooking oil

  • Laundry detergent

  • All purpose cleaners

  • Dish & dishwater detergent

  • Toothpaste

  • Shampoo & conditioner

  • Razors and shaving cream

  • Toilet paper, kleenex, paper towels

  • Diapers (sizes 5 & 6), Pull Ups

  • Grocery (Aldi, Lidl, Giant) & Dollar Tree Gift Cards

Thank you in advance for remembering the needs of our neighbors and for responding in generosity.

In Christ,




Same Prayers, Different Day