Corpus Christi Anglican Church

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Nursery Toy Drive

Beginning in June, we hope to offer nursery for ages 0-3 during the service; it will run from the beginning of the service until the passing of the peace so that the children are back in the service for the Eucharist. From May 9-30, we are collecting items for the nursery. Here are two ways that you can partner in helping with the nursery (besides volunteering on Sundays):

  1. Purchase an item; Maggie has put together a list of essentials that you can purchase on Amazon here.

  2. Donate an item; if you have a lightly used, age appropriate toy (that is not loud and does not present a choking hazard), then you may donate it. Drop off the item at any of the Sunday services in May or contact Morgan+ for a drop-off time/location.

Thank you for helping children’s ministry grow and flourish at Corpus Christi Anglican Church! If you have any questions, contact us here.