Corpus Christi Anglican Church

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CGS Training Opportunities for 2024

Corpus Christi Anglican Church offers a discipleship program called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to ages 3-8. Beginning in the Fall of 2024 we will offer a level 1 atrium (ages 3-5) and level 2 atrium (ages 6-8). We are always looking for people to be trained in the level 1 atrium. It is a great commitment, but it is also a great responsibility and a great program that will make a lasting impact on your spiritual life and the lives of the children in this church.

CCAC will pay for your training if you are willing to lead at least once per month in our level 1 atrium once you have been trained. Here are the different training options:

  1. One Saturday per month in Alexandria, VA. The potential dates for 2024-2025 are September 21, October 5, November 16, December 14, January 18, February  8, March 22, April 5, May 17, and June 14. These courses last all day. Read more here. The registration form for the Center for Children and Theology is here, but please speak with Morgan+ before registering. The deadline to register for this course is September 1, 2024.

  2. Two Saturday per month in Springield, VA. This course lasts from 9am-1pm. The dates for 2024-2025 are August 24, September 7 and 21, October 1 and 19, November 2 and 16, December 7, January 4 and 25, February 1 and 15, March 1 and 15, April 5 and 12, and May 3 and 17. Read more in this PDF. The Angelus Academy CGS training registration form is available as a PDF here, but please speak with Morgan+ before registering. The deadline to register for this course is August 15, 2024.