Carol Weiler (Junior Warden)

I came to Christ at the age of 12 when an evangelist shared the Gospel at our church and followed Christ throughout my teenage years. Listening to God’s voice for what he wants me to do is very important to me and I followed His call to be trained as a nurse so that I could serve as a missionary nurse. I worked as a nurse for a couple years and stayed involved in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship leading Bible Studies and leading musical worship on the piano. I was invited to work for a month at Lake Huron with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, worked there for a month, came back and hoped to be a missionary nurse, but God led me in a different direction.

After being back for a week from Lake Huron, I met Bill Weiler, whom I would marry. He discerned his call to become an Episcopal priest and I set aside my call to oversees missions work to live out my calling as the wife of a priest and mother to our children. We served all over the country and raised three wonderful children. It was fun! I ran Sunday Schools, played the piano, ran the choir, but my favorite ministry involved hospitality. I love having people over to my home to welcome them with the love of Christ. One of my greatest joys in the church has been bringing people into my home to listen to their stories and watch what God does in them as we eat food together, talk, and pray.

I came to Corpus Christi Anglican Church in April of 2022, almost two years after my husband passed away. I had discovered that there was a new church plant near where I live and I began praying weekly for this new church that was beginning in Springfield. When I visited, I was struck with the life in this church. I pray for this church every single day. I believe God has gifted me with the gift of encouragement. This was true when I worked as a nurse and it has been true in the church. I love to encourage people wherever they are. One of my hopes for this church is that as the Holy Spirit resides in us that we love the gifts out of one another in the church.

Since beginning to attend CCAC I have shared my testimony, read the Scriptures in the liturgy, led the prayers of the people, and I now help Fr. Morgan with liturgical leadership for our monthly Anglican/Episcopal Eucharist service at Garden Ridge, which is part of Greenspring Senior Living Community. It is my joy to be a part of what God is doing at CCAC and if elected to the Vestry, it would be my joy to prayerfully help lead this church into its next phase of life.


William Sulik


Chip Webb (Senior Warden)