Alexei Laushkin (Treasurer)

I grew up in a Mainline Protestant Church in Monrovia, CA and had my first church experience of God through visiting a black church choir. Later in my teen years I came to a deeper experience of Jesus Christ through the Vineyard Church USA; in particular through reading the Bible and through heartfelt worship and encounters with the Holy Spirit. I served in college in student ministry as a student volunteer at the InterVarsity chapter of the Claremont Colleges which had various names over the years. This began a short reformed phase of faith which eventually matured toward an Anglo-Catholic orientation. I describe Anglicanism as a prayer book faith and our practice as Anglo-Catholics to look back to what is common across time and culture to the worship and practices of the body of Christ. This ties us to the saints above and the saints on earth as we become transformed into Christ in the salvation we have already attained.

My life and ministry and vocation have been a journey. I have been shaped by the Focolare and Chiara Lubich in understanding that life, economy, and vocation can be like varied branches on one tree. In my work I have someone on staff dedicated to prayer and spiritual counsel, a position I hope to retain through the years. In non-profit ministry we continue to try and help Evangelicals and Pentecostals have various conversations with other streams of the church. I have a passion for spiritual formation and in recent years that has taken shape most often through personal mentorship. I have a noticeable ability to elicit honesty and what I would describe as spontaneous confessions from strangers or those I don’t know well.

I consult nationally with churches on their strategy and board development as well as their racial justice work (this has even included an ACNA church). I do have strategy and board budget experience both with the stand alone ministry where I do unpaid ecumenical ministry and serving as the board Co-Chair for an ecumenical body based in Illinois. 


Chip Webb (Senior Warden)